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Хүний хэлсэн үгийГ энд онцолж бичнэ.
Сэтгүүлч А. Ану
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Шар дээр цагаанаар
What is an example of a paragraph?
A good example of a paragraph contains a topic sentence, details and a conclusion. ‘There are many different kinds of animals that live in China. Tigers and leopards are animals that live in China’s forests in the north. In the jungles, monkeys swing in the trees and elephants walk through the brush. There are camels in the deserts in China that people use for transportation. Lots of different kinds of animals make their home in China.
Tell me something about it
Css gej yu we?
A good example of a paragraph contains a topic sentence, details and a conclusion. ‘There are many different kinds of animals that live in China. Tigers and leopards are animals that live in China’s forests in the north. In the jungles, monkeys swing in the trees and elephants walk through the brush. There are camels in the deserts in China that people use for transportation. Lots of different kinds of animals make their home in China. Татварын шинэ хуулийг эсэргүүцэн Кенийн иргэд парламентын байрныхаа нэг хэсгийг галдан шатаажээ A good example of a paragraph contains a topic sentence, details and a conclusion.
‘There are many different kinds of animals that live in China. Tigers and leopards are animals that live in China’s forests in the north. In the jungles, monkeys swing in the trees and elephants walk through the brush. There are camels in the deserts in China that people use for transportation. Lots of different kinds of animals make their home in China. A good example of a paragraph contains a topic sentence, details and a conclusion. ‘There are many different kinds of animals that live in China. Tigers and leopards are animals that live in China’s forests in the north. In the jungles, monkeys swing in the trees and elephants walk through the brush. There are camels in the deserts in China that people use for transportation. Lots of different kinds of animals make their home in China.
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